Joint venture on a greenfield site

MTW Milchtrockenwerk Norddeutschland GmbH is a joint venture of four North German dairies. In expectation of increasing milk quantities after the announced abolition of the milk quota in 2015, Uelzena eG, Meierei Wasbek eG, Meierei Barmstedt eG and Molkereigenossenschaft Schmalfeld-Hasenmoor eG decided to invest jointly in the construction of a new modern milk drying plant in the heart of the strong milk region of Schleswig-Holstein.

The four equal shareholders invested a total of approx. 64 million EUR in the conveniently located Neumünster site. After the foundation stone was laid in June 2012, the production of liquid milk concentrate could already be started at the end of 2013. Production of skimmed milk powder then started in spring 2014. Due to the many years of experience in the distribution of milk powder and other milk-based ingredients, Uelzena eG has taken over the responsibility for distribution.


Modern technologies for the drying of milk

The milk drying plant, simply called "MTW", is one of the largest and most modern plants in Europe. The opening of the plant has created more than 50 highly qualified jobs and secure future prospects for milk producers in the surrounding region. The Neumünster site is conveniently located close to the freeway and the port of Hamburg, the "gateway to the world".

The ultra-modern spray tower has an annual capacity of approx. 60,000 tons of skimmed milk powder. For production, the equivalent of approx. 600 million kilograms of milk are delivered annually and processed fresh. The milk collection trucks are dispatched largely automatically in the state-of-the-art milk receiving station. A total of approx. 3.5 million liters of tank capacity is available for intermediate storage of the raw materials.


The plant has a sophisticated hygiene zone concept with strict separation of wet and dry production areas. The automated packing lines for paper bags and big bags are encapsulated and separated from the warehouse by a product lock. The spray tower itself is designed as a high-care hygiene zone and thus guarantees maximum production reliability. Redundant evaporator systems allow continuous production (24/7) on the spray tower. 

The main products of the MTW Milchtrockenwerk Norddeutschland are low heat and medium heat skimmed milk powder in ADPI quality for the international food industry.

Of course, the MTW has all important certifications. Our own laboratory constantly controlsraw materials and finished goods to ensure a consistently high product quality. 


Sustainable production concept

When designing the milk drying plant, particular emphasis was placed on energy-efficient production and careful use of resources such as fresh water. A large part of the energy used for milk heating and drying is recovered via modern heat exchangers. An integrated condensate recovery system in the evaporators considerably reduces the need for fresh water.

Steam is generated via modern, energy-efficient steam boilers that run on natural gas. The MTW has implemented a certified energy management system according to ISO 50001. 

Short ways for milk

The MTW also focuses on sustainability when it comes to the central raw material milk. It is not without reason that the choice was made for a location in the middle of one of the most important regions for milk production in Germany. The milk is collected in different parts by the four shareholders from their member farms and delivered to the MTW.

The processing of milk from the directly surrounding region ensures short distances for the procurement of raw materials and prompt processing of the fresh milk delivered.

Our major cerifications:
Download: FSSC 22000
FSSC 22000
Download: ISO 50001:2018
ISO 50001:2018
Download: Halal Skimmed milk powder
Halal Skimmed milk powder
Download: Kosher Skimmed milk powder
Kosher Skimmed milk powder